Your skin tells you more than you know about overall health and well-being.
“For too long the quest for youthful skin has usually meant using harsh, harmful ingredients that result in temporary benefits and often age the skin faster. I created Osmosis to help people move away from the old idea of wounding the skin and instead to embrace the science-based reality that even better results can
be had by empowering the skin's innate ability to heal itself.”
– Ben Johnson, MD | Founder + CEO of Osmosis
Over 10 years ago, we were inspired by the bold mind of our Osmosis's founder, Ben Johnson, MD, to create non-toxic skincare products and treatments that combine the purity of naturally sourced ingredients with revolutionary, doctor-developed, and scientifically validated formulas to deliver products that really work. Our clinical trials and before-and-after photos prove that our approach is leading skincare into a new paradigm.